Plongeurs et robots explorant le récif et les capacités à l'Institut de recherche Bellairs de McGill à la Barbade | Divers and robots exploring the reef and capabilities at McGill's Bellairs Research Institute in Barbados
We're thrilled to announce that we have been selected by Canada's Ocean Supercluster to lead major project: Autonomous Robotic Capabilities (Aquaculture Project)
We're thrilled to announce that we have been selected by Canada's Ocean Supercluster to lead major project: Visual Assessment (Aquaculture Pens Project)
La Marine royale canadienne se prépare à tester l'Aqua2 | The Royal Canadian Navy prepare to test the Aqua2

Mission de test du compagnon du plongeur | Diver companion testing mission

Plaques de plongée Aqua2 | Diver Tags Aqua2

Aqua2 mapping a coral reef in real time on the onboard GPU using a combination of visual odometry and imitation learning for collision avoidance while keeping the robot close to the coral.

The robot follows a diver while rotating to perform a visual search for data similar to a set of images provided by the user.

Aqua2 est capable de se déployer de manière amphibie dans les vagues de l'océan | Aqua2 is capable of amphibious deployment in the ocean surf

Robot comme assistant de plongée | Robot as a diver's assistant

Aqua2s working together where the “leader” has a USBL (low bandwidth sonar signal) transceiver communicating with a surface vehicle via acoustic pulses to receive commands or GPS data. The leader can then convey some command to the follower via “robot sign language.”

Aqua2 est capable de naviguer sur différents terrains | Aqua2 is able to navigate different terrains