Engineering Services

Development and integration services to advance your roadmap


  • Precision component design for pressurized environments

  • Hardware and Software integration of 3ed party sensors

  • Pressure testing, field services and support


  • We’ve built full Autonomy stacks for land and aquatic vehicle and can help improve your navigation capabilities.

  • Define and communicate tasks, routes, and behaviors to ensure safe, and successful operations in underwater environments.

  • Enable your vehicle to make better decisions during missions object with mission target and object avoidance


  • Starting with foundation models, we can teach these algorithms to interpret sensor data, make decisions, and perform tasks autonomously in challenging underwater environments.

  • Integrate our Insight Engine into your systems to allow rapid analysis, exploitation and reporting of mission, data current or historic.

  • Review, Index and extract new insights from your legacy data

We would love to speak to you about your technical barriers - or your desire to add robot intelligence and AI capabilities to your vehicles.